Miss Colleen 2024, Riley Pidgeon
The Miss Colleen Pageant
The San Diego Miss Colleen Pageant was originated in order to promote a sense of spirit and unity within the Irish community and awareness of its history and culture. Since its inception in 1983, the Miss Colleen Pageant has served as a platform for growth and inspiration among young Irish women as well as an opportunity to unite the Irish community.
It is our hope that contestants will learn from this experience and use it as a stepping stone to future leadership roles, enabling them to be role models for the growing Irish community.
The Irish Congress of Southern California is proud to announce Riley Pidgeon as the 2024 Miss Colleen. Riley is a San Diego native and enjoys sporting and volunteering for Football for the World. Irish heritage has always been prominent in her family. One of her fondest memories is spending time at the St. Patrick’s Day event with her dad. As she has grown to adulthood and is now creating her own traditions, she is excited to get more involved with the community as the Miss Colleen.
“It is so important to continue to surround ourselves and loved ones with our rich cultural heritage,” she said. “There's nothing quite like the music, dancing, food, and art, and I feel very grateful that these traditions were a large part of my childhood, and I will continue to share them proudly as I get older.”
She also looks forward to representing the women of the San Diego Irish Community and being an example for young girls to look to for inspiration and confidence to pursue her interests.
The San Diego Miss Colleen Pageant was originated in order to promote a sense of spirit and unity within the Irish community and awareness of its history and culture. Since its inception in 1983, the Miss Colleen Pageant has served as a platform for growth and inspiration among young Irish women as well as an opportunity to unite the Irish community.
It is our hope that contestants will learn from this experience and use it as a stepping stone to future leadership roles, enabling them to be role models for the growing Irish community.
The Irish Congress of Southern California is proud to announce Riley Pidgeon as the 2024 Miss Colleen. Riley is a San Diego native and enjoys sporting and volunteering for Football for the World. Irish heritage has always been prominent in her family. One of her fondest memories is spending time at the St. Patrick’s Day event with her dad. As she has grown to adulthood and is now creating her own traditions, she is excited to get more involved with the community as the Miss Colleen.
“It is so important to continue to surround ourselves and loved ones with our rich cultural heritage,” she said. “There's nothing quite like the music, dancing, food, and art, and I feel very grateful that these traditions were a large part of my childhood, and I will continue to share them proudly as I get older.”
She also looks forward to representing the women of the San Diego Irish Community and being an example for young girls to look to for inspiration and confidence to pursue her interests.